Dec 25 2017

My sincerest apologies friends! I originally set a post announcing the delay to autopost on all the places I post…but it appears that it did not go through on any site!

So the situation is that my internship has ended, I’m (finally!) graduating college, I had to move out of my apartment, fly across the country, and am spending time with the fam.

As an apology for this and the hiatuses I failed to properly announce this year, I’ll be making a public WIP post (this post, see below), which are usually Patreon-only. In addition, I’m offering all current Patreons a free drawing request (single character, flat color, small drawing or headshot). This offer is also extended the first 3 people who donate to my Patreon* at any tier below $10. Those above $10 get 2 larger drawings (1 for the tier, 1 for this offer though a super-sized, larger drawing). Also, this offer is extended to the first 3 people to donate through Ko-fi. Additionally, I’ll check activity on my websites from the month of December and grant the top 3 contributors this same offer. Finally (ho’ boy), contributing to this post (commenting, favoriting, liking, sharing, etc) will earn you a ‘ticket’ for a drawing raffle. Each sharing method of this final raffle is counted, so commenting on Smackjeeves*, sharing on Facebook, liking on Tumblr will earn you 3 tickets. Winner will be chosen January 1st (so about a week). There’s 1 winner for the raffle, but depending on turnout I might increase it to 2 or 3.

*You can claim this offer multiple times through different methods. So if you donate via Patreon and Ko-fi that’s 2.
*Each type of offer only applies once, so you can’t donate to Ko-fi twice and get two drawings, only one. Likewise, current Patreons can take advantage of the $10 offer if they upgrade.
*Patreon: Patreon’s website glitched on me when I tried to add “pay up front”. This protects me from people who say they’ll donate to get access to content and rewards, but then back out before Patreon charges them. If this setting went through, then the offer will be initiated when you donate. If this setting did not go through, then I have to work with Patreon to get it working and you’ll have to wait until it’s fixed or the 1st of January (when donations go through) for me to initiate the offer.
*Smackjeeves comments only count one source. IE you can’t comment on the news post on PMD: Choosing Our Fate and Gigi’s Art Dump to get 2 entries.

If I’ve missed any question you have, feel free to ask!

WIP 12/24/17

I started the featured piece in late August and have been calling it “Introspective Isolation” as the filename. Started off in color, but I didn’t like my color choices so I put it to black and white. My plan is to colorize it once I’ve finished up the black and white work, so I can decide how best to make the palette work. No, the featured person is not Crystal…though taking a step back I can’t help but see a short haired Crystal now. In addition to color, I still have to add detail to the bridge, buildings, and snow drifts at least. Also not 100% happy with those clouds. Will try to fix those up.

Code stuff: recently got heavily into AutoHotKey and oh boy do I love it! Need to do a repetitive task over and over again? Not anymore! (or at least it’s easier now). I’ve considered sharing two scripts in particular. One is a solver for Microsoft Sudoku’s Symbols Daily Challenges (I’m going to write one up eventually for their Jigsaw Sudoku as well). Probably not useful to a lot of people, still has some bugs, and requires a tiny bit of poking the code to adjust it to fit your display so unsure if I’m going to share that one. More importantly, I’ve complained on previous works about Photoshop crashing once in a blue moon and deleting hours of work–WELL NO MORE! Wrote a script that autosaves Photoshop every 5 minutes. This is one far more useful to folks out there, so I’ll get around to posting that once I figure out the best way to. Can be easily adjusted for other programs as well.

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project is back on track now that I’ve plugged in all the USUM information. Though when rerolling the numbers for the next fusion…it was Deoxys/Unown. And if you remember how anal I was about deciding the fusions for Eevee/Type: Null and Arceus/Furfrou–well it’s back! Likewise, those previous I mentioned were a bit easier because I could easily compare Types and Colors to one another. Well Deoxys/Unown will be 16 forms. With similar typing and colors (between each parent’s forms) I’m pairing Unown by letter similarity (I counted the pixel difference of each combination of 26 alphabetical Unown…aka 26*26-26=650 comparisons) then finding words that begin with the chosen letters that match up to the Deoxys Form names (if anyone had those old Unown cards with the names, that’s what sparked this!).  I’m still on the latter step (and typing this out had me catch a mistake I made so I have to redo some of that) but I wouldn’t mind you guys throwing some words at me! Here’s the letter list:
AB, CD, EZ, F, G, HO, IL, JY, KW, M, NS, PR, QX,TV, U (and !? but not looking for words for that one)
Looking for words starting with those letters (if 1 just that,  but if 2 then both in a row), either direction works (eg AB… or BA…), preference on no acronyms/proper nouns/non-English languages but JY/KW/QX/TV will force me to break it for those, and finally, words have to relate to one of the Deoxys forms: Normal, Attack, Defense, or Speed. (example: ABuse AB/Attack or BAstion for AB/Defense). Once I get a reasonable word list made (not all combinations need to be found, especially on those weird ones) I’ll pair the Deoxys forms with the best words and begin the drawing process. Or more accurately, pause that and get some work done on the next PMD:COF page.

TL;DR Gigi’s hiatus announcement never got posted. Gigi is very sorry. Gigi’s life is very busy right now. Gigi is offering drawings for stuff above. Gigi has been working on the above drawing for awhile and still has a ways to go. Gigi does code. Bracket Fusion Project Fusion is taking forever for Gigi to plan. Gigi will work on next PMD:COF page soon. Gigi is suddenly talking in the third person.


Also as I’m typing this minutes before Christmas Day in my timezone…HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

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