Jun 12 2020

Since I had to do a GIF to fit them all in (and I didn’t want to do a massively long strip and risk the websites I post to cropping or shrinking it), here are the full resolution versions:
Prairie, Subarctic, Flora, Desertbloom
Delta, Aurora, Source, Honor
Mainland, Sea, Gale, Vogue

Sorry for the delay! Had this crazy fusion to figure out and I moved!

Scatteralts [Bug/Psychic] -> Pewpalia [Bug/Fairy] -> Vivigade (Demure: Prairie/Delta/Mainland) [Flying/Psychic] || Vivigade (Serene: Flora/Source/Gale) [Flying/Fairy] || Vivigade (Forlorn: Subarctic/Aurora/Sea) [Bug/Fighting] || Vivigade (Resolute: Desertbloom/Honor/Vogue) [Flying/Fighting]

Another crazy fusion, as usual skip down for dex data.
To start, my math said to have only one final stage with 12 forms, and Ralt’s final stages have 4 forms total and Vivillon has 20. I combined 16 of the Vivillon forms to make 8 pairs + 4 unpaired, so 12 total.
Usually I do color matching to pair things, but Ralt’s final forms are all White/Green…Then a friend of mine had the great idea that the Ralts line is emotion based! And emotions have associated colors! I choose Pokemon natures for each final stage based on their best and worst stats then found an associated color (so Gardevoir was Modest/Green, Mega Gardevoir was Mild/Teal, Gallade was Lonely/Blue, and Mega Gallade was Adamant/Brown). I then matched the Vivillon colors to those emotion colors for which forms got paired with which. The final groupings were:
Gardevoir with High Plains/Sun, Archipelago/River, and Continental Vivillon
Mega Gardevoir with Garden/Jungle, Marine/Savannah, and Monsoon Vivillon
Gallade with Icy/Tundra, Elegant/Polar, and Ocean Vivillon
Mega Gallade with Meadow/Sandstorm, Fancy/PokeBall, and Modern Vivillon

Scatteralts and Pewpalia are fairly unassuming looking Pokemon. But they’re capable of surviving in any environment and make wonderful friends due to their hardy bodies and empathic abilities respectively.

They’re most prized for their evolution, Vivigade, though. Collectors have noticed patterns in how to obtain each form but nothing for certain has been determined. For example, the form group names (Demure, Forlorn, Serene, and Resolute) all have a similar body structure but different wing patterns. Vivigade in the Forlorn/Resolute group are more likely to be male, but notably Demure/Serene group Vivigade are fairly even in their gender distribution. Their individual forms seem to be influenced by the environment the evolve or change form in.

For example, when Pewpalia evolve, they turn into a Vivigade in either the Demure or Forlorn group. This form is set and cannot be changed. When they enter battle, they will often change into a Serene or Resolute form (Serene for Demure and Resolute for Forlorn). The form they change into differs every time, though Vivigade in the same environment often turn into the same Serene/Resolute form. After battle, they will return to their original Demure/Forlorn form.

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info:
Generation: 1
Parents: Ralts/Scatterbug

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