Jan 31 2021

For some reason I never posted this to all my socials and I’ve made some updates, so reposting it!

Gardect (Alpha) [Bug/Ground] || Gardect (Beta) [Bug/Dragon] || Gardect (Gamma) [Ground/Steel] || Gardect (Delta) [Steel/Bug] || Gardect (Epsilon) [Dragon/Steel]

A curious Pokemon, Gardect is one of the rarest Pokemon despite its high population. It is unknown how many Gardect their actually are, but they have the bizarre ability to transfer DNA from one to another. When enough DNA is gathered it will change into a higher form, granting more abilities. Most Gardect exist in their Alpha or Beta forms and only turn into their Gamma or Delta forms when necessary. Testing has allowed scientists to theorize what Epsilon Gardect may look like…but many fear what could happen if it was unleashed.

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info:
Generation: 1
Parents: Genesect/Zygarde

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Vote for the next fusion!

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