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Jan 31 2021
Gardect [PBFP] Image
For some reason I never posted this to all my socials and I’ve made some updates, so reposting it! Gardect (Alpha) [Bug/Ground] || Gardect (Beta) [Bug/Dragon] || Gardect (Gamma) [Ground/Steel] || Gardect (Delta) [Steel/Bug] || Gardect (Epsilon) [Dragon/Steel] A curious Pokemon, Gardect is one of the rarest Pokemon despite its high population. It is unknown […]
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Dec 11 2017
It’s that time again where Gigi realizes she missed something and has to update the Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project spreadsheet. This time it’s me forgetting the third games in the series tend make new additions. Took a bit since I haven’t (yet?) gotten Ultra Sun or Moon. Be warned if you look at the spreadsheet […]
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