Jul 18 2022

Thor, Chi’Zhou’s dad! His full name is Chi’Thor because I’ve decided that’s how their family structures their names, but he typically just goes by Thor (while Chi’Zhou goes by her full name).

Thor is the dragon version of “get off my lawn”: wants to be left alone, aggressive to those in his territory (aka wherever he is at the moment), and generally avoids society. The exceptions are his daughter, who he’d do anything for (even murder, especially murder) and likes to see his mate from time to time (amicable and monogamous relationship, but both very independent and just kinda do their own thing most of the time).

So rambling.

If you remembered Thor’s old design, throw those memories out. His original-original design was an orange/maroon wvyern…but I was a COWARD and couldn’t figure out how to draw a wvyern body shape consistently, so however many years ago when I drew him last I made him have 4 legs (and blue for whatever reason, IDK). But now he’s back to his intended wvyern-y glory!

Also name. I kinda want to rename him because: there’s no reason for him to share the name of a Norse god, it was not a conscious decision, and Thor (Norse god) has really become more popular as of late (pop culture, you know) so an even higher chance for “why he named Thor” confusion. But I also haven’t come up with any alternatives that I actually like, so Thor it is for now.

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