Nov 21 2016

Meowta [Normal] || Meowta (Alolan) [Dark/Normal] -> Ratisian [Normal] || Ratisian (Alolan) [Dark/Normal]

Meowta is pretty darn cute C: Ratisian not so much, but it’s name looks like Raisin if you just glance at it real quick, so it has that going for it!

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info:
Generation: 1
Parents: Meowth/Rattata

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One response to “Meowta/Ratisian [PBFP]”

  1. […] Bracket Fusion Project Info: Generation: 2 Parents: Meowta (T,CF) + Pupitty (T,CF) See more: PTGigi, Spreadsheet, Tumblr, ComicFury Design Notes: Because hues […]

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