Sep 23 2021

The last update for the first generation of this project has been scheduled! Tomorrow, the Kartana/Registeel fusion will be posted marking the last fusion of the first set of fusions…if I hadn’t messed things up, lol. On Monday, a correction to the Cutiefly/Grubbin fusion will be posted. I originally drew 3 stages when it should have been 2, oops.

So what’s the plan going forward? Next Friday (or later if it takes longer than expected) I’d like to do a fun stats write-up for the 1st fusion generation. After that, I’ll be taking a hiatus from this project to finish chapter 2 of my PMD: WildFire comic.

Once I’m ready to start fusion generation 2, I’ll throw all these lovely fusions back into my pairing script and see what crazy fusions I get to draw next! Additionally, for those unaware, there were an odd number of families for the first generation, so Frillish’s family was left unpaired. To resolve this, Frillish’s family will get first dibs on the next generation, so whichever fusion Frillish wants to pair with, it’ll get paired with. After that, I’ll pair up the rest of the fusions by the usually “best matches first” strategy.

While for the first generation I did voting to determine what order I drew fusions in, it’s now harder for people to vote that way (as even I haven’t memorized all these fusions names and Google polls don’t let you fancy up vote options with images or links). So instead I’ll do them in “dex” order, a fun statistic I only thought to calculate halfway through the first generation (long story short, I average the dex numbers of the parent Pokemon, sort all the fusions by that average, make slight adjustments [starters are first, legendaries are last, everything else is in the middle], and bam, dex order).

Thank you so much to everyone who voted for their favorite pairings during the first generation! It was fun and interesting to see what fusions people wanted to torture me with, lol.

As always, thanks for following and I hope you enjoy what crazy fusions are in store for the future! Likewise, if you have any questions or just want to share your favorite (or most unsettling lol) fusions from this project, please do!

(also also, it’s my birthday! I forgot to make a fun drawing or something since I was so excited to finish this project and the day is almost over when I’m posting this so double oops)

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