Jan 29 2021

Glidorus [Ground/Flying] -> Landiscor [Ground/Flying]

Glidorus and Landiscor hide in clouds, waiting for their prey. They then silently swoop down for the kill. Despite their high kill ratio, they only consume very little of their prey. Instead, they leave the remains so the nutrients will circulate back into the earth.

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info:
Generation: 1
Parents: Gligar/Landorus

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One response to “Glidorus/Landiscor [PBFP]”

  1. […] Bracket Fusion Project Info: Generation: 2 Parents: Glidorus (T,CF) + Pidpid (T,CF) See more: PTGigi, Spreadsheet, Tumblr, ComicFury Design notes: This is a […]

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