May 8 2022

Been awhile since I last drew her, but here’s Chi’Zhou! I didn’t change her design too much honestly, just honed in on her design some more: simplified unnecessarily complicated bits, added sea slug/flat worm inspirations, exaggerated her asymmetrical leg patterns…oh and made her glow!

Chi’Zhou’s personality is mostly the same, which is to say she’s adventurous and loves exploring new places and meeting new people. But due to moving her from the humanoid AU to the feral AU, I cut down on the “Part of Your World” aspect of her personality. She’s still a touch naive and has a tendency to barrel into situations involving things she’s never experienced before, but she’s no longer outcast.

Also, she’s Gwyneira’s girlfriend! C:

Aaaaaaand because my D&D crew has since found my not-really-secret social media (I just didn’t think to mention it lol): D&D Chi’Zhou really just stole the name and very vague personality (adventurous) of this character. Pretty much right out the gate they became their own distinct characters, though I’m tempted to give dragon Chi’Zhou a secret evil sister based on that campaign! XD

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