
Project Altara is a pet project of mine I’ve been developing since I was young and has gone through many changes and iterations. As it is still in development, details are likely to change. I’ll try to keep this page up-to-date, but we’ll see lol (Last edited: 2022/06/19)

At this time, the Project Altara has been split into two sub-projects. The sub-projects are going to be under the “Project Altara” umbrella and until I come up with a better name are just informally the humanoid AU and creature/feral AU. These two stories will be self contained, but related by the [GOD_SPECIES], but more on that below.

Project Altara: Both AUs

Species: [GOD_SPECIES]

The two AUs are connected by the [GOD_SPECIES] that created the various worlds. This is an enigmatic species that can change it’s form freely. I imagine their control of the world is similar to a simulation-sandbox video game, but tailored to the individual’s preference. So some may be hands off on their world and just managing the initially creation and letting the “simulation” run to see what happens, while others may be more micromanaging and control everything that happens.

Because of this, the inhabitants of these worlds may have a different perception of the “god(s)” of their world. Especially in worlds where gods are more elusive or hands-off, the inhabitants won’t have the exact or correct knowledge of the [GOD_SPECIES] controlling their world. Ex. if their world is controlled by a single [GOD_SPECIES], cultures with polytheistic religions are still possible (either their religion just evolved that way, the [GOD_SPECIES]’s many forms were assumed to be different gods, the [GOD_SPECIES] purposely wanted their inhabitants to believe them to be many, etc).


See characters on Toyhouse

Project Altara: Creature AU

Under Construction

Species: Chimera

All sapient individuals in this AU are a members of a chimeric species. Individuals can appear in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and usually possess magical powers. Most have one major power and a few minor powers, but this can vary from individual to individual.


See characters on Toyhouse

Project Altara: Humanoid AU

Under Construction

Species: Various

There are a wide variety of species that inhabit this AU.


See characters on Toyhouse