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Dec 2 2016
Nullee/Silvacor/Silveflar/Silvumes/Silvealt/Silvacor [PBFP] Image
Nullee [Normal] -> (Silvacor (Base) [Water/Ice] || Silvacor (Flying) [Water/Flying] || Silvacor (Dragon) [Ice/Dragon]) || (Silveflar (Base) [Fairy/Fire] || Silveflar (Ghost) [Fairy/Ghost] || Silveflar (Ground) [Fire/Ground]) || (Silvumes (Base) [Dark/Psychic] || Silvumes (Poison) [Dark/Poison] || Silvumes (Fighting) [Psychic/Fighting]) || (Silvealt (Base) [Electric/Grass] || Silvealt (Bug) [Electric/Bug] || Silvealt (Rock) [Grass/Rock]) || Silvacor/Silveflar/Silvumes/Silvealt (Basic/Shared) [Normal/Steel] THIS […]
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Nov 24 2016
Pokemon Go – Spoofers Image
“If there is a god, he’s laughing at us right now” -my brother, right after this My town (aka the closest town to me with decent GO spawns/stops) had a terrible spoofer problem before Niantic started cracking down. But when all the gyms in town have one of each of the regional exclusives from outside […]
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