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Sep 6 2021
Pokekrab/Slowingler [PBFP] Image
Pokekrab [Water/Psychic] -> Slowingler (Hermit) [Water/Psychic] || Slowingler (King) [Water/Psychic] Pokekrab bury themselves on beaches, waiting for prey to wander by to attack with their pincers. They have a tendency to forget to bury their tail however, and often become prey themselves. Pokekrab evolve into Slowingler depending on where they are bitten by a Shellder. […]
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Apr 25 2015
Kingking Image
Fusion of Kingdra and Slowking Kingking [Water][Dragon] The Atlantian Pokemon Kingking are actually terrible swimmers, if not for their symbiotic lower half. No one has knows what their lower body looks like. Made for the PXR Fusion Club!
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Apr 24 2015
Seokion Image
Fusion of Slowking and Espeon Seokion [Psychic][Water] The Catfish Pokemon This regal Pokemon is prized for its beauty. It is jealous of others of its kind however, so it’s best kept alone. Made for the PXR Fusion Club!
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Apr 23 2015
Siming Image
Fusion of Simipour and Slowking Siming [Water][Psychic] The Marchioness Pokemon This gentle-natured Pokemon is very kind to those around it. It’s song is said to soften hardened hearts. Made for the PXR Fusion Club!
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