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Dec 31 2021
Hoppi/Skipry/Pluffable [PBFP] Image
Hoppi [Fairy/Grass] > Skipry [Flying/Grass] > Pluffable [Fairy/Ghost] #012 – Hoppi are flightless, but very light. They’ll toss themselves into the air to float on the breeze for fun. #013 – Skipry become more jaded and lose some of their playful nature. They are much harder to train during this stage. #014 – Pluffable have […]
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Jan 26 2017
Hopplet/Darskip/Pluffeye [PBFP] Image
Hopplet [Grass/Flying] -> Darskip [Grass/Flying] -> Pluffeye [Grass/Ghost] Hopplet are very lightweight and easily thrown about by high winds, but their fluffy down protects them. Darskip is heavier, so is not thrown about easily, but gets rather upset when the wind messes up its “perfect” plumage (don’t tell it it looks like a mess already!). […]
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Dec 6 2016
Pokemon SuMo – Party Lead Image
Another thing I like about Sun/Moon, people will include the first Pokemon in your party in their dialogue! …bad thing is the first Pokemon in my party is the weakest, arguably least favored member of the team (that gets switched the second the battle starts for that delicious EXP).  
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Nov 27 2016
Pokemon SuMo – Starter Choice Image
I got Pokemon Sun (woo!). The things I enjoy most about these games so far are the little changes. Stuff like this, where in previous games we pick our starter Pokemon and expect them to be okay with it–they don’t get a say. True, from a gameplay perspective, they’re not going to say no to […]
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Oct 13 2016
Project Altara – Pokemon Starter Choices Image
Whew! All character asks take a lot of time, haha. Also Mewtwo cameo, because why not? Reasonings: Tali & Litten: Tali likes cats! Well, mostly anything fluffy and lap sized. Zyre/Benu & Rowlett: Zyre is pretty unoriginal in the sense that he knows birds of prey well  (he probably annoys everyone by keeping dead mice […]
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