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May 13 2022
Grubtle/Voltula [PBFP] Image
Grubtle [Bug/Fairy] > Voltula [Bug/Electric] #051 – Grubtle primarily eat electric energy, but love tree sap. Though, if they eat too much sap, it weighs them down and prevents flight. #052 – Voltula‘s diet is the same, but they expertly convert pollen into webs which they use to trap prey. Their prey is then sapped […]
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Jan 15 2021
Joltle/Shuvantula [PBFP] Image
Joltle [Bug/Rock] -> Shuvantula [Bug/Electric] Joltle are often found latched onto much larger Pokemon where they absorb static electricity from their host. Their armored shell protects them from being easily knocked off. Once evolved, Shuvantula can properly generate electricity and hunt. Their preferred method is to catch prey in a sticky web or their tentacles, […]
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May 11 2017
Raitik/Raitula [PBFP] Image
Raitik [Electric/Bug] -> Raitula [Electric/Bug] Raitik and Raitula mimic the pattern of the Legendary Raikou in order to dissuade predators from attacking…problem is, they generally scare more prey away than predators! Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info: Generation: 1 Parents: Joltik/Raikou See more! Vote for the next fusion!  
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