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Dec 2 2016
Nullee/Silvacor/Silveflar/Silvumes/Silvealt/Silvacor [PBFP] Image
Nullee [Normal] -> (Silvacor (Base) [Water/Ice] || Silvacor (Flying) [Water/Flying] || Silvacor (Dragon) [Ice/Dragon]) || (Silveflar (Base) [Fairy/Fire] || Silveflar (Ghost) [Fairy/Ghost] || Silveflar (Ground) [Fire/Ground]) || (Silvumes (Base) [Dark/Psychic] || Silvumes (Poison) [Dark/Poison] || Silvumes (Fighting) [Psychic/Fighting]) || (Silvealt (Base) [Electric/Grass] || Silvealt (Bug) [Electric/Bug] || Silvealt (Rock) [Grass/Rock]) || Silvacor/Silveflar/Silvumes/Silvealt (Basic/Shared) [Normal/Steel] THIS […]
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Apr 24 2015
Seokion Image
Fusion of Slowking and Espeon Seokion [Psychic][Water] The Catfish Pokemon This regal Pokemon is prized for its beauty. It is jealous of others of its kind however, so it’s best kept alone. Made for the PXR Fusion Club!
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