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Jul 3 2020
Kron/Krlon/Kronkrlon [PBFP] Image
Kron [Steel/Rock] -> Krlon [Steel/Rock] -> Kronkrlon [Steel/Rock] While appearing to be a single entity, Kron and its evolutions are actually multiple beings that work together to achievement common goals. All forms have a “head”, that senses the Pokemon’s surroundings to detect food or danger, and a “body” that magnetically propels the Pokemon around. Krlon […]
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Aug 27 2017
Ardon/Laidon/Bastron [PBFP] Image
Ardon [Steel/Rock]  -> Laidon [ Steel/Rock]   -> Bastron [ Steel/Rock] These Pokemon were once thought to be extinct. They had burrowed so deep into the mountains they called home that their bodies were subject to extreme conditions. They are much stronger as a result. Side note since this is my first update since the hiatus, […]
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