Jun 3 2022

Baorock [Rock] > Lyrock (Day/Night) [Rock]

#057 – Baorock statues are commonly found in ancient homes. The Pokemon itself was thought to be extinct, but several statues were recently discovered to be the Pokemon itself!
#058 – Lyrock statues, one Day and one Night, are a common sight guarding temples. In ancient times these would be living Pokemon, disguised as statues, instead.
Day Lyrock remain motionless most of the time, only moving to hunt or defend their temple during the day.
Night Lyrock remain motionless most of the time, only moving to hunt or defend their temple during the night.

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info:
Generation: 2
Parents: Bonrock (T,CF) + Cranirock (T,CF)
See more: PTGigi, Spreadsheet, Tumblr, ComicFury

7 responses to “Baorock/Lyrock [PBFP]”

  1. queint says:

    also just realized this is the first round 2 fusion to include a legendary in its 4 components (regirock)

  2. queint says:

    another one that will spread the green virus, oh boy

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