Jun 10 2022

Sealoach [Water/Ground] > Whisdra (Siren) [Water/Ground] || Whisdra (Selkie) [Water/Fairy]

#059 – Sealoach can use their feelers to sense vibrations in the water. If caught, they can coat themselves in a slimy liquid to escape.
#060 – Whisdra have specially designed nasal cavities, allowing them to produce a range of, often beautiful, sounds.
Siren Whisdra are relatively weaker, so they lure terrestrial prey into the water to drown them.
Selkie Whisdra tend to be less aggressive and their vocalizations are often mistaken for a human’s.

Pokemon Bracket Fusion Project Info:
Generation: 2
Parents: Sealio (T,CF) + Woopoach (T,CF)
See more: PTGigi, Spreadsheet, Tumblr, ComicFury

2 responses to “Sealoach/Whisdra [PBFP]”

  1. queint says:

    another one that could have been a 3-stage, AND another one that i fear will spread the green virus

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