Puzzle Monsters
Puzzle Monsters

In Puzzle Monsters, players select monsters to fight, choosing their attacks via a puzzle grid. The middle of the battle screen displays the puzzle and who's turn it is. Player's stats are listed on the left and right, listing their monster's current HP (hit points) and abilities.

Players take turns selecting blocks in the puzzle to make their monsters attack. All blocks adjacent to the selected block are removed from the board and added together to determine the power of the ability being used.

Those abilities are ( x representing the number of blocks removed):
  • Attack: Opponent takes 1x damage
  • Charge: Opponent takes 1.5x damage, User takes 0.5x damage
  • Defend: Prevents up to x damage from opponent's attack on next turn, Opponent takes 0.5x damage of remaining power
  • Heal: User gains 0.75x HP
  • Siphon: Opponent takes 0.5x damage, User gains 0.5x HP
The winner is the first to reduce the opponent's HP to 0.

Player NAME, select a monster:

Player's MonsterName

Monster Image
HP: 100%
Ability Name
Ability Name

Player 1's Turn

Player's MonsterName

Monster Image
HP: 100%
Ability Name
Ability Name
Puzzle Monsters


Version 1 Contributors:

Virginia "Gigi" Hager
Andrew Iacovino
Erin Logan
Max Peabody

Version 2 Contributors:

Virginia "Gigi" Hager

Additional Credits
